December. Well, it's that time of year again when some of us are feeling a little snug around the waist and that little voice keeps saying 'After the Holidays I need to lose some weight'.
To meet the demand for weight loss solutions there are numerous well-known companies that offer products and plans that will safely and effectively help people achieve their weight loss goals.
But in addition to the products offered by these companies there are also nearly thirty weight-loss pills offered by numerous outfits that promise a quick and magical solution to eliminating your extra fat. These pills are advertised as 'natural fat busters' with intriguing names and are touted as upgraded versions of 'ancient remedies' from Asia.
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But as much as these nearly 30 weight-loss remedies promise an easy fix to your weight loss problem, there are some serious health concerns that a consumer should be aware of before purchasing them.
The Food and Drug Administration said that these concoctions contain unlisted ingredients, including high doses of a powerful anti-obesity drug, as well as a suspected carcinogen. The FDA also found 28 dietary supplements that could put an unwary consumer in the emergency room or worse. Most of the pills are sold on the Internet and appear to come from China.
Practically all of the pills contain sibutramine, which is a powerful appetite suppressant that's a chemical cousin of amphetamines. It can cause heart attacks, strokes and heart palpitations, especially in people who have high blood pressure or who are at risk with other heart problems.
Sibutramine is also the chemical ingredient in a prescription drug which is use to treat obesity, however, the FDA found that some of the diet pills contain nearly three times the recommended dose. Some of the pills contain phenolphthalein, which has long been used as a laxative but is now being withdrawn from the market because of cancer risks.
The message is clear. Don't take chances with potentially dangerous weight loss remedies. There are many other programs that have stood the test of time and have a proven safety record. If you are considering taking a 'diet pill' make sure you check with your doctor first before you undertake any weight loss program.
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